Dog Desexing

Castration & Speys

Desexing your dog is probably one of the biggest decisions you will make as a pet parent. There are many advocates on both sides of the fence for desexing pets versus leaving them entire.


In desexed male dogs, the risks of reproductive cancers and prostatic cancers are much reduced. Additionally, it potentially assists with testosterone-related aggression issues, wandering and territory marking. 


For female dogs, speying effectively reduces the the risks of ovarian, uterine and mammary gland tumours, unwanted pregnancies and other potentially life-threatening conditions such as Pyometra. 

Pre & Post-Surgery

We offer medication protocols pre-surgery for nervous and anxious dogs to help reduce their stress prior to admission. For our Brachycephalic friends (Pugs, French Bulldogs, etc…) with a history of regurgitation, we also offer pre-surgery medications to provide a little extra TLC to increase safety during surgery.
Post-surgery pain killers and anti-inflammatories are provided to alleviate pain and help reduce any discomfort. All surgeries come with a complimentary post-surgery review appointment. These are booked in at the time of discharge and usually scheduled 3-5 days after surgery. An Elizabethan Collar is provided to reduce self-trauma to any surgery sites.